Posts Tagged ‘history of the photobooth’

The History of the Photobooth

Monday, July 22nd, 2013

It would be surprising to now that the photobooth you know today has a long and varied history. The first known, working photographic machine was made by the French inventor T. E. Enjalbert and was shown at the World Fair in Paris in 1889. Althought the first patent for a photobooth machine was filed in 1888 by William Pope and Edward Poole in Baltimore. It is theorized that photobooth was never built by the two men.

The earliest machines were not self-sufficient at all. The first commercially successful automatic photobooth was the “Bosco“ from the invented by Conrad Bernitt of Hamburg and patented in July of 1890. And the first photobooth that had a negative and positive photo process was invented by the German Carl Sasse in 1896.

In 1923, the modern photobooth as we now know it today was introduced by Anatol Josepho. He was a Russian citizen who came to the United States with his photobooth idea. The first photobooth appeared in 1925 in New York City. For 25 cents, the booth took, developed and printed 8 photos, a process taking roughly ten minutes. It became incredibly popular within the first six months and The Photomaton Company was created to place booths nationwide. That popularity extended all the way until today.

So for all your even photobooth needs, contact Kingdom Photobooth!

At Kingdom Photobooth, we are a professional photo booth design company, not a couple of guys making booths in their garage as a hobby. You are invited to visit the factory and see the incredible quality of the product we sell and meet the people who build them. Our engineers are the best of the best and are always seeking new ways to make your Photo King more profitable for you. Kingdom Photo Booths can be found in twelve countries, four continents and all fifty of the good old United States.

We have an incredibly well trained support staff who answers the phone during regular business hours and live, emergency Concierge Technical support until Midnight east coast time Monday through Saturday. We use the best of the best components which enables us to get the best warranty.

All our electronic components come with at least a one year warranty and the computer and touch screen have a three year warranty. We offer advanced replacements so if anything ever happens, we ship you a new part immediately to keep you up and running. We’re dedicated to giving you a unique and fantastic customer service experience.

Check us out on FacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedIn and Pinterest!